So Month Two…..
Or should I start with January?
The initial month of my year-long challenge has been overall a very successful one, and a huge learning experience for me. I committed to (along with what seemed like half of the population) taking part in Dry January, along with maintaining a consistent health & fitness routine DESPITE how busy I am. No Excuses.
So the first crazy thing that happened to me was New Year’s Eve… my son was with his dad, I had at least 4 invitations to various celebrations. But do you know what I did? I went to bed at 9pm!
If I’m honest I was just so ready for some normality in my life that I looked forward to the smug feeling on 1st January, hangover free!
I have never attempted to give up alcohol before so I was unsure of how I would respond to the challenge!
As a fitness professional I have always left myself open to criticism by refusing to hide that I enjoy my life. That’s how I found myself 6 stone overweight in the first place. What changed things for me was learning balance. I learned that If I worked my butt off 6 days a week and ate well then I could still enjoy a glass of wine/ takeaway———*Fill In Blank As Needed*
I have never made this a secret and pretended to be some ‘holier than holy’ Personal Trainer.
Who am I? Maxine is a girl that struggles like the rest of us, she has always struggled with her weight, loves food, is partial to a drink or 5 and naturally not athletic in the slightest.
I would choose the sofa over the gym any day.
But I can’t do that. Because although at the time I think this unhealthy way of life makes me happy, in the long run it doesn’t. It’s just all I have ever known.
I have learned to control my natural urges, but I have never lied about the fact that I still love a glass of wine and occasionally eating bad food.
If anything I believe that my complete honesty has only ever helped to build a trusting relationship with my clients, as a girl whose only goal has ever been to help other people just like me. I have never hidden anything, only guided people in the best way I know how.
And guess what?? Despite what some health professionals may think about my approach…..IT WORKS!! Consistently we change lives and help those that had all but given up hope.
Anyway, I digress. Not having alcohol was surprisingly easy!! Although it has taught me one vital thing about myself…
It’s just sometimes I quite like one 😉
I have maintained exercise a minimum of 4 times every week, despite the event that we put on.
Every day I have put by time for Joey (my son) and I to spend time together, and time to concentrate on my own life. I have basically renovated my house in 4 weeks!
I feel amazing. Like I have got that part of myself back that I dedicated to the business for so long, the part of me that has hobbies and is happy with just doing nothing sometimes.
And the best bit? I am down 7.5kg, that’s over 1 stone!!
I will take a very brief moment to celebrate my success in January.
*Pats herself on the back*
And now we are onto my February Challenge
Thank you so much for all of your great suggestions, keep them coming in every month; we have also stored all of the suggestions from this month that weren’t selected for future use.
The choice of challenge will be subject to a lot of jokes as it would initially seem the ‘easy’ option.
I was overwhelmed by suggestions of extreme physical challenges, distance runs and other high-end performance based activities, and I will get on to those at the end of the year.
But the fact is, right now I am injured and I have been since the birth of my son. I am starting to make headway with strengthening my body and being kind to it and allowing it the time it needs to rest and recover.
A suggestion came in from a local health professional who I have used (and swear by) for the last few years. Mary-Jane Sharratt is a local Homeopath, working from the Perrymount Natural Health Clinic.
In 2012 my son spent a year on antibiotics awaiting an operation to remove his tonsils and adenoids, a condition that was hereditary on his father’s side.
Quite sceptically I visited M-J on recommendation with my son, since then neither Joey nor myself have visited a GP and Joey still has his tonsils. Turns out he is allergic to cow’s milk and bananas!
Mary-Jane, knowing me well, suggested that I commit to 10 minutes of meditation every day. If you didn’t know me this would seem like an easy task, but those that do know me know just how difficult this was going to be!
My life is jam packed from 5am until 11pm EVERY SINGLE DAY.
At the moment I am just about managing to balance everything, but throwing this into the mix is going to pose as a real challenge, do not be fooled!
I am sure that there are many of you that could relate with me on the terrifying thought of trying to take 10 whole minutes every day to yourself to do nothing apart from relax. It’s almost unheard of, especially if you have kids!
Wish me luck! I will keep you posted on my progress in a few weeks’ time and announce the challenge I will take on in March!
Please keep your suggestions coming in to moc.g1741557778ninia1741557778rtlan1741557778osrep1741557778laitn1741557778etop@1741557778ofni1741557778, you never know it could be yours that is selected next!