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By April 16, 2014One Comment

We all strive to create a balance in all aspects of our lives, work, family, friends and our health and wellbeing. Sometimes this all feels too much and this couldn’t have been more true of myself about a month ago, so when we received the new Monavie balance tablets in the studio it couldn’t have come at a better time!
The Monavie balance tablets are an all natural supplement, designed to help with your stress and anxiety. At the time I felt that I genuinely had an imbalance, so severe in my head that it could only be sorted out with mind altering drugs.
When I started on my ‘balance’ journey I was hopeful but also apprehensive. You take a supplement in the morning at breakfast time and then another in the PM with your dinner. Day 1 of the tablets and perhaps it’s a placebo effect but I do actually feel quite alert and level headed. So the evening comes and I take the PM tablets but I took them very late and consequently I didn’t feel any effects and  it took some time to drop off to sleep. Not the reaction I was expecting, I was thinking I would be feeling exhausted in the morning but actually when it comes to waking, I feel surprisingly refreshed! But perhaps I have to take them earlier on in the evening….
On the second day I felt almost a little over excited and jitter, I wonder if that was because I had a few coffees due to being concerned about not having had enough sleep. Yet again I forget to take the PM tablets earlier and I have the same wired feeling so I can’t get to sleep which is frustrating but in the same way as before I wake up very easily in the morning.
By day 4 I’ve cut back on the coffee and mastered the art of taking the tablets a good 4 hours before bed time. Compared to how I felt a week previous I do feel great, but I do feel tired as I haven’t had more than about 5 hours sleep each night and my dreams are a bit crazy. I am however less stressed and more productive, despite my tiredness and it’s as though my head is more collected! Not to mention it does seem to have focused my mind on eating better,  I think this comes from feeling more organised to sort all of my meals and snacks out in advance.
Finally after the first week the PM tablets have calmed down. I’m reminded by a friend who works with alternative therapies that things sometimes get worse before they get better, and in fairness the AM tablets have only been helpful from the beginning. I do get very affected by all natural and pharmaceutical products alike, I often wonder if it’s because there is something I’m lacking in and that when my body finally gets what it needs ,it does a little rejoice!
I’m not saying that the balance tablets have solved all my stress related issues and I never feel anxiety but in all honesty, although I love the way my life is at the moment, I was considering some anti anxiety pills or even anti depressants 6 weeks ago because I felt that would be the only thing that would help me cope with life. I had that feeling that I was constantly just keeping my head above water and now I feel calmer, clearer and more focused.
I am currently considering stopping taking them to see what might happen but you know what…. I think that experiment is for another day because at the moment I feel really happy and destressed!
Stress has such an effect on the body, in your mind, your body and your weight loss, finding a balance is key to your long term health and well being.
If you’re really struggling in the same way that I was and need a little bit of help, I would urge you to give them a go. People take different amounts of time to get benefits from products so the other thing I would say is to definitely pursue it for the full 4 weeks because as time went on I certainly felt more benefits…..Give your life a little balance!!

You can find out more about Monavie Balance by Clicking Here, or contact the team on 01444 48412901444 484129

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  • Lyn Gregson says:

    Dearest girls, I think this product could be the answer to my prayers. As you all know my life has been extremely stressful in the last few weeks and sleeping is not good either, so have a supply on standby for me on Tuesday PLEASE!!!

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