Sitting there listening to the inspirational, and ultra engaging Pete Cohen talk at our highly successful charity event at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath, there was something he said that really resonated with me. You may well have been there and seen what an awesome evening it was, where we raised a very respectable amount for the Chestnut Tree House Childrens Hospice, a very worthy cause. He spoke about getting out of your comfort zone, how we are all creatures of habit and stick where it’s safe and comfortable.
This was me. But recently I’ve taken so many chances, and stepped so royally out of my comfort zone that it’s good to feel as though this has paid off, and in a stupid way that this is recognised as something brave and commendable. I was working in a job that was ‘safe’ and didn’t challenge me in the slightest, living in my best friends’ house where I’ve lived for 8 years with no responsibility. I was in a relationship where I could always rely on his love and devotion. However as you all know I’ve taken a chance on this new career (which I’m loving) and it still makes me giggle to say I have a career! Now to add to that I’ve decided that its time I grow up and move out of my best friends’ house in the summer, which I’m not going to lie is definitely going to make me cry as it’s the end of an era, but I’m also looking forward to start building on something more that’s mine. To top that off recently I decided to end my relationship as I was being selfish hanging onto something just because it felt safe. So everything felt and still feels scary but guess what? I’m alright!! And actually more than that, I feel great!
I’ve always been someone who gives up on something that doesn’t feel easy, or where I feel vulnerable. Consequently I have never seen any benefits that come from taking a chance or keeping going. The first time I noticed this was when I began as a private PT member with Maxine, there was nowhere to hide and because of that although it was hard I noticed the benefits of getting out of my comfort zone within weeks, it didn’t matter anymore getting very out of breath or turning purple, and quite frankly it was a bit egotistical of me to believe that anyone was even paying me a single bit of attention in my suffering!
So I can’t urge you enough to start doing the things (however small) that are out of your comfort zone, push yourself and focus on the rewards. We all understand what it’s like to feel scared or anxious about starting something new, but the more you push yourself the easier it gets every time. I’d say that 99.9% of our clients have some aspect of fear when they start with us, this lasts for all of about 2 minutes once they have signed up. One thing that’s different about the PPT team from other health and fitness companies is that we are all very normal people, with very normal problems, we get it. And then our clients ask themselves, “why did I leave it so long before I signed up?”
The truth is regret is a wasted emotion, you can’t change a decision that you did or did not make in the past, so don’t give yourself any room for regret. Fear is totally normal, everything in life is scary, you just need to use that fear to drive you forwards and grow as a person.
If you are sitting there now and you are overweight, not exercising or feel like your health is suffering as a direct result of your lifestyle, then doing something about it!! Next week, or month isn’t good enough. Don’t have the regret that you didn’t make the decision sooner or at all, because once you get to that point there is nothing that you can do to turn back time. And always remember this, if nothing changes, nothing changes.
If the time is now for you to take control of your life, come in and have a chat with us at the studio, call 01444 484129 or register for your FREE Consultation. Be sure to check out Pete Cohen’s site as well, this man is an inspiration and definitely helped give me the kick I needed to stop living in fear and change my life for the better!!
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This makes me all the more eager for my appointment next week to hurry up!
how I feel to a ‘T’